if you are looking for resources for pentecost christine sine has compiled a good list here
and see proost latest news for some snippets and links
next week's grace is on fire to celebrate
if you are looking for resources for pentecost christine sine has compiled a good list here
and see proost latest news for some snippets and links
next week's grace is on fire to celebrate
Posted on June 07, 2014 in grace, pentecost, proost | Permalink | Comments (0)
excited about a new resource on proost this month - it's a collection of prayers from russ parker on the theme of wild spirit. russ led the pilgrimage to ireland i went on recently and we've known each other for probably 25 years now. this is typical russ - raw, direct, impassioned, creative and infused with longing and a wildness of the spirit... a must and ideal for pentecost of course. here's the latest proost news as well.
Posted on May 16, 2014 in alternative worship, faith, fresh expressions, liturgy, pentecost, pilgrimage, prayer | Permalink | Comments (0)
the guys at kore send out a monthly e-mail and in their latest link to some finds on the web. two were particularly good. the first - the power of the sun is just a wonderful movie. shame pentecost has just happened! and i'll blog about the seond separately...
Posted on June 17, 2011 in movies, pentecost | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted on May 28, 2010 in alternative worship, emerging church, faith, fresh expressions, meditation, pentecost, prayer, worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (0)
pall singh is an amazingly creative guy and has been a friend for years. he is the founder and creative behind sanctuary a community in birmingham who draw on the contemplative traditions of the christian faith but fusing it with contemporary british asian culture. it's truly unique. he is now also a cms mission partner which is great. this month on proost we have three movies from east and west trust who produced a dvd (scroll down this page) a while back of 5 meditative movies which captured the flavour of what they are about. pall was the visionary behind it. natural images mix with the sounds of aradhna - tabla, sitar and so on - around the themes of fire, water and light. we've picked three that seem to tie in perfectly with pentecost. all the movies are around 7 minutes long and make an ideal meditation in their own right or visual wallpaper for the soul as background during worship and prayer.
i had a count up and there are around 40 movies now on proost which surprised me how fast we've built up that number. subscribe if you haven't or download the individual movies...
Posted on May 10, 2009 in meditation, movies, pentecost, proost | Permalink | Comments (1)
signs of the spirit grace tomorrow night
i absolutely love dean's photo that he has used for the flier
off to nick cave tonight which i'm looking forward to...
Posted on May 09, 2008 in faith, grace, pentecost | Permalink | Comments (1)
we have added three movies to proost for may. they are all movie loops
flames flickering
eagle in flight
and incense smoke rising
you can preview them in the movie player on proost. my personal favourite of these is the smoke movie created by mark waddington which we have used loads of times over the years at grace.
wallpaper for the soul...
i did say a couple of weeks back that i'd say more about the experiences on the dekhomai stand at the mind body spirit festival. however as i have thought about it they all relate to stories of people i talked and prayed for or did the jesus deck with so i decided not to say more. other than to say we had a great time and sensed god with us. it was wonderful to be there on pentecost sunday rather than in a church meeting.
david has asked me a couple of times now in comments what my thinking is regarding the work of the holy spirit and praying for people to receive who aren't christians...
I am interested in your experiences of praying for people to receive the Spirit outside of a Christian context. Some would say that faith would need to come first. However I was filled the Spirit first - albeit in a Pentecostal prayer meeting - even when I wasn’t sure I believed all this Christian stuff.
i haven't totally thought this through but it's been my view for years that life is a gift of the spirit as is every breath we take. god loves all people so why wouldn't god be present outside of our "christian" context with people bringing the healing of creation wherever with whoever? but i guess a longer answer might be in order. the best book of theology on the holy spirit in my view is jurgen moltmann's spirit of life and the follow up source of life. on saturday we had a grace spirit service and for it i wrote a responsive piece of liturgy. the responses are from the first verse of the hymn breath on me breath of god. the lines are all quotes from moltmann's source of life but reworked as directed to god. i think this is as good as i can do in the time available. if you can pray this prayer it makes perfect sense to be joining in with the healing of the spirit of life at mind body spirit. at grace we had to cut a few things out so this piece of liturgy didn't actually get used. i have left the instructions for kite making in at the end as this is what followed in the service.
spirit of life
your breath of life fills the whole world and holds all things together.
if you withdraw your breath everything turns to dustbreathe on me breath of god
you are the source of life that brings life to the world, whole life, full life, unhindered, indestructible everlasting life
fill me with life anew
the life of your spirit which christ sends into the world is the power of the resurrection which brings us new life
breathe on me breath of godthe sending of your spirit is the revelation of god's indestructible affirmation of life and marvelous joy in life
fill me with life anew
jesus where you are there is life. where you are sick people are healed, sad people are comforted, marginalised people are accepted and the demons of death are driven out
breathe on me breath of god
where your holy spirit is present there is life.
the powers and energies of eternal life are experienced.fill me with life anew
the mission of your spirit is a movement for life and a movement for healing which spreads consolation and the courage to live and raises up what wants to die.
breathe on me breath of god
we affirm and love life so much that we protest against death and all the powers that disseminate death.
fill me with life anew
help us to join with your comforting of the sad, healing of the sick, welcoming of strangers, and forgiving of sins.
breathe on me breath of god
send your spirit so that this world should not perish but live
fill me with life anew
spirit of the new creation break into the here and now bringing foretastes of the age to come when all things are made new, and creation is set free from the powers of death
breathe on me breath of god
spirit of god renew the face of the earth
fill me with life anew
give us hearts of flesh for hearts of stone
that we may love as you would love
and do what you would do
amenwe will make kites to fly in the wind as a sign that we want to place ourselves in the flow of the wind of god's spirit to join in with the spirit of life's bringing life to the world. the kites will be different as are the gifts of who we are and the gifts we have been given. feel free to write on your kite any reflections or prayers as you place yourself in the wind. though one kite is small together the kites will fill the skies with movement and colour, energy and life, a celebration of the spirit.
Posted on June 11, 2007 in alternative worship, grace, liturgy, pentecost, worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (10)
because we have our main grace once a month, although pentecost sunday was last weekend we are celebrating the coming of the spirit next saturday, june 9. i enjoyed pentecost sunday more than ever this year because i was praying for people on the dekhomai stand to be filled with the spirit or to be healed which seemed an entirely appropriate way to pass the day. anyway here's the info on the next grace...
come and breathe in the spirit of god
Posted on June 01, 2007 in grace, pentecost | Permalink | Comments (10)
come to think of it (thanks cheryl)
Posted on June 04, 2006 in pentecost | Permalink | Comments (0)
a few people were wondering what the pentecost grid blog :: was all about. part of the idea was that after it you can type pentecost grid blog :: into google and see a range of reflections on pentecost from round the world and hopefully a bunch of creative ideas as well. having had a quick trawl through i think jonathan finley's video is neat. i also love josh's digital flame and suspect his video is brilliant but i couldn't work out how to see it... (update: have just checked back and it is now here ).
i am making the pentecost grid blog :: worship trick 25 so that i have a record of it - i think it's a neat concept (you may also remember the advent grid blog)
it wasn't part of the grid blog but the story that i liked was every tribe and tongue
Technorati Tags: pentecost, worship tricks, alternative worship
Posted on May 19, 2005 in pentecost, video, worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
i said i'd take part in the pentecost grid blog :: but ended up visiting my new niece liza which was of course a wonderful thing to do on a day that celebrates birth (of the church). on the way back i suddenly remembered it was pentecost and i hadn't blogged. i was musing on what i might post for pentecost and remembered this old cassette tape tucked away upstairs that i made for grace several years ago.
it's very simple - a reading of acts 2 over a music track. the track is universal horn remix 96 by jmj and richie from the album freezone 3 - hope they don't mind me using it but it is a few years old now anyway. to do the reading i sampled my voice on an old roland js30 sampler. i then assigned the samples to different pads (you can tell this was a few years ago) and as the track played triggered the samples live. that was how i got the mix of voices at the end of the track. anyway i dug out a cassette player and worked out how to turn a track into an mp3 and have uploaded it for you to listen to. it is about 6mb and decidedly low fi in quality but it has a certain something still. see what you think - acts.mp3
even though it's retro the track is still worthy of being a worship trick i feel - no 24
pentecost grid blog :: is a global blogging event where bloggers all round the world are blogging on may 15 with the title pentecost grid blog :: in their post so that they can all be tracked. no doubt bob will compile a list of entries he knows of soon...
Technorati Tags: pentecost, worship tricks, alternative worship
Posted on May 15, 2005 in alternative worship, Music, pentecost, worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)
if you are interested join in the pentecost grid blog.
tallskinny explains all
it's bob's idea
Posted on April 24, 2005 in blogs, pentecost | Permalink | Comments (0)
GETSIDETRACKED is an app on creativity with a series of 54 prompts. you get a random prompt when you shake your phone. think of it like a deck of cards. search getsidetracked in iphone or android app stores. see here for more info.
the latest book is a full colour coffee table type book which is the first published by new venture GETsidetracked - pioneer practice
follow this link to other books, chapters, articles and music i have published.