i have made an app together with jon birch and joel baker, partners in getsidtracked. it's a practical and fun app for creative thinking. tap or shake your phone and get a prompt to spark you. this is the blurb
This app is designed to help you think creatively with a series of 54 prompts. Tap, hold or shake for a random “GET” or browse through them to find the one that catches the moment. Many people see creative thinking as the preserve of a minority of ‘creatives’ or artists. They think you either have the gift or you don’t. They don’t imagine they have it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Creativity is for everyone. It’s a muscle everyone can exercise and it strengthens with use. There are quite simple processes and creative-thinking techniques that anyone can use. Then the process of creative thinking invariably encounters blocks on the way. It’s common to get stuck. But there are methods you can use to overcome them. The 54 prompts in this app are a mix of those processes, techniques and methods distilled down into a fun and user-friendly format.
Creativity is a way of being, a way of relating to your life. Thinking creatively can transform your life. We hope the Getsidetracked app helps you do just that.
you may remember it was due to be launched a year ago at greenbelt festival. well better late than never!
i am very into creativity and have a whole shelf of books on it. the app is simple. each card is a 'get' with an image, spiel, quote and story of about 200 words in total. there is a lot of thinking distilled into it. it is available for both apple and android and it will cost you £1.99 .
if you do download it and even better use it we'd love to hear what you think and any stories of how it might have helped your creative process. we have never done an app before so also have no idea how to promote one so do telly your friends and any influencers you know!
here's a few screens from it to give you the idea.
and as i say each prompt is a 'get...' this one is 'get interrupted for example which i love so much i want it on a t-shirt. watch this space as we may actually do that in due course.